What a glorious 2019 it has been for Glory Reborn. With your faithful partnership and prayers we have successfully provided complete, holistic, quality health care to thousands of mothers in Cebu City. Together we have saved lives, witnessed miracles, seen hearts that were once in despair become full of hope, celebrated victories and been witnesses to the gospel of Jesus here in Cebu, Philippines.
Our team of healthcare professionals has grown tremendously in their knowledge, skill and capacity to render quality care while also growing closer in their relationship with the Lord. We have truly seen a community of health and hope not just in our mothers and babies but also in our incredible team who carry out this vision. We are so grateful for each of them. From cleaning to accounting to delivering babies we are truly among living heroes.
Together with YOU, we rejoice in what the Lord has done in 2019. Thank you for saving lives. Thank YOU for being open arms to the helpless, the homeless, the single mother, the HIV outcast, the excited new family, and the nervous first-time parents.
Thank YOU for investing in our team. Thank YOU for bringing God’s love to mothers, babies, families, communities, and hearts. Thank YOU for making Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies and Hopeful Hearts possible.
Blessings, Hilary