Thank you to everyone who got to attend Maymay’s updates all around the US from Seattle to El Paso to Las Cruces to Phoenix and Dallas she had a wonderful trip and so enjoyed meeting each and every one of you. From Maymay: “The trip was really great! It (the Peace Corps Conference) gives me more perspective in health care for marginalized populations. Each country has their own way of implementing their health care system. As each participants shared about their organization, I have realized that the organizations are focused on one area only. For example, one organization is only focused on children or teenagers and another is focused on women only. I am not comparing Glory Reborn Organization but I’ve seen myself in the middle when representing Glory Reborn because our focus is the marginalized populations both physically and holistically. Our focus is on women, babies, as well as other vulnerable populations that need our help and support. Glory Reborn reaches to the community as a whole.
I appreciated seeing the diversity of the country and it helped me gain perspective on how to help our communities in a variety of ways. Part of helping our own community is being committed and faithful to the community that the Lord has surrounded us with. One question that inspired me was how can we empower our community to be to be the agent of change so the next generation will be more empowered to help and serve in their country as a whole.
I am most especially happy to meet our active, faithful and generous supporters. I am so touched meeting the many supporters who have been faithfully supporting Glory Reborn ministry not only financially but also spiritually. I was very excited to thank them for what they have done for the Filipino moms and babies and our staff. I am encouraged to continue working with Glory Reborn through the calling the Lord Jesus Christ has given me. Thank you supporters and Board of Directors for investing your life, time, finances, and prayers for the moms and babies of Cebu, Philippines.”