Hilary Overton
Glory Reborn Founder
Mon Jul 24 2017

Hope from Despair


At the heart of Glory Reborn is the vision to see Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies, and Hopeful Hearts birthed in each of our clients. Sometimes our challenge is in offering the “healthy mom/baby” aspect of our vision. This is especially true with clients who have never received any medical care previously or in cases where clients live in such marginalized conditions that their health is consistently being compromised. We continue to learn how to adapt our healthcare platform to ensure mothers and babies in the clinic meet their health potential. Most of our programs have expanded and grown based on these needs and analysis of how to continue investing in complete, quality care for our marginalized moms and babies. While perhaps these healthcare adaptations can be attained a bit “easier” through analysis and partnership with local doctors, the hopeful hearts vision of our Organization is no “quick fix”. Perhaps this is why we are so grateful that pregnancy is a nine month process, it gives us time to invest in our mothers’ emotional and spiritual wellbeing which is equally important to their physical health status. This month we met Maria, a young mother in her early twenties, struggling and in great despair who reminded us of the incredible journey of seeing hope birthed through despair.

Maria grew up being cared for by her grandmother. Her parents separated when she was young and her relationship with her mother and father became strained. With the help of her grandmother she was able to complete her high school education. Though unable to attend college, Maria came to the city to work as a beautician and re-connect with her mother. Here she met her partner and became pregnant. Unfortunately her partner was put in prison leaving her pregnant and emotionally distressed. Maria began to consider abortion, which is illegal in the Philippines. Thankfully Maria was discouraged from pursuing termination of her pregnancy. As the situation with her partner became more strained with him in prison, Maria grew more and more depressed as her pregnancy continued, living day to day in great despair, so much so that she believed her life was utterly hopeless.


During one of Glory Reborn’s community outreaches a staff midwife met Maria. She was able to talk to Maria about her pregnancy as well as her emotional and spiritual wellbeing. That week Maria enrolled as a patient at Glory Reborn. She is now receiving not just healthcare support for her pregnancy but also spiritual and emotional support from our social work and ministry team. With each visit more of a smile starts to appear and hope in her heart continues to grow. Maria is learning about her developing baby and receiving the proper healthcare, vitamins and support for her and her developing baby’s physical wellbeing. She is also learning the great value that her life holds. She is growing to know that she is a treasure, a wanted daughter of the King, she is loved by her sisters in Christ and welcomed into a family. Her life has purpose and hope ahead. It is in patients like Maria that we are honored to see the fullness of our vision for “Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies and Hopeful Hearts” be birthed.