You may remember that Glory Reborn now has three licensed HIV counselors that allow us to counsel and test for HIV at our center. We have been actively involved with the HIV community for several years now and journeyed with many precious lives in this community.
This month we have learned the sad news that one of our partners and friend in the outreach community has passed away. While it is never easy to hear that someone in our community has died, this one was particularly sad for me personally.
We had many dreams to still fulfill together. We had talked seriously about building a temporary home for those persons living with HIV during the time that they start with their medications and get further testing done.
There is a period of time when a person with HIV starts further testing and then begins the medication. During this time, they need extra physical and emotional support. We dreamed of building a house together specifically for this need. This home would be a safe place where persons living with HIV could become part of a family as they embark on this new journey in their lives. A place that they could always call home when times got tough.
I believe this dream will certainly come to fruition in the near future. While our hearts will forever miss our dear friend, his heart for this community will continue to live on.
He embraced those who were rejected by family and friends. He held those who were dying so they would not be alone. He knew and cared for the community around him with such compassion and tenderness. I only hope that someday we too can show the same loving kindness to the HIV community. I know that this is not the end, but only the beginning of “Mamita’s House”. We will continue to love this community and walk along side of them in whatever capacity the Lord will allow us to.
As I write this another member of the HIV community has just come to our door. Tears in her eyes, a small bag with all she owns in it, looking for a place to belong, a family. We were able to feed her and pray with her and let her join our staff worship night as we make plans for her to stay with a family.
With “Mamita” no longer around, members of this community are longing for a safe place to take a nap, have a warm meal, and become part of a family. The door and opportunity is certainly open, will you join me in praying for God’s provision and plan for Glory Reborn to expand in a greater capacity for this precious community?
I will leave you with the short speech that one of our staff members made at the HIV rally:
“The only thing that counts is faith, expressing itself through love. Faith is believing that positive change for good can happen. Love is embracing one another without limitations. Faith and love together builds hope for a brighter future. With the birth of each generation, in every testing, faith, love and hope are working together to support the future. Our hope and love together in Jesus is enough to support the future.”
To the beautiful HIV community. With much love, from Glory Reborn.