What an incredible month it has been! Thank you to everyone who participated in our Virtual Health and Hope Acoustic Concert with Tommy & Eileen Walker. It was such an amazing experience to worship together from around the world with you. The event was streaming live in our labor room for our staff to watch and during the concert day 3 babies were born. How glorious to enter the world with global worship and prayer happening at that very moment. This is “glory re-born”!
As Tommy and Eileen sang the song, “We Will Remember” the line went, “You've been our helper, our liberator; The giver of life with no end…” We certainly remember the incredible faithfulness of Jesus as he continues to help us daily, liberates hearts, and births life day after day physically and in the hearts of the families we serve. I was also deeply humbled worshiping alongside so many of you who have been our very faithful partners, sustaining us through 17 years, believing with us as Jesus saves and transforms the lives of mothers and babies in Cebu. I am so very thankful for each of you and the faithfulness you continue to show to Glory Reborn. Tommy and Eileen Walker, Steve and Amber Vickery, Citichurch Cebu and everyone who participated in our Health & Hope Concert, THANK YOU for this incredible time of worship together! From Cebu to Nigeria, to Mexico, to Austria, to the United States all around the world we agree for the health of mothers and babies and the hope of Jesus to continue to be born.
A recent report* in the Philippines showed a projected rise in the number of mothers dying during pregnancy and childbirth in 2020 compared to the previous year. Thus far the study found a 26% Increase in Maternal Deaths, or as many as 670 additional mothers dying in the Philippines during the covid-19 pandemic. Access to care, financial constraints and fears are underlying contributors to these deaths. Glory Reborn is committed to continue to be a place of Health and Hope for pregnant mothers who are delivering their precious babies in the midst of these uncertain times. Not only do we offer in-clinic visits but we also have a full time TeleHealth & Hope team offering healthcare through social media platforms and telephone communications. Our Maternal Mental Health group and HIV Support Group are providing counseling, prayer and hope for the journey of motherhood during an unprecedented time, ensuring mothers have access to life saving care.
— A Glory Reborn Mother
Never before have your prayers and partnership been more life-saving. Currently Glory Reborn has over 200 pregnant mothers in our care, that’s 200 little lives needing a safe place to be born. That’s 200 hearts waiting to hear that there is Hope. Your prayers are so valuable to us and your donation makes our ministry possible.
If you would like to sponsor one of the 200 mommies and babies in our program currently please visit: https://gloryreborn.org/sponsor-a-mom or email us at info@gloryreborn.com
I believe we will see even more Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies and Hopeful Hearts in 2020, will you believe with us?
One of our mothers recently shared her experience at Glory Reborn saying, “So far I have learned that the Glory Reborn program is not just for the poor or even the rich but for all who need help especially now that there is a pandemic.”
This touched our hearts so much as certainly this is the heart of Glory Reborn! At our very core is the desire to build up our community. Regardless of one’s socioeconomic status, we want to be a source of practical health and the hope of the Gospel to women and babies in need. I’m so very honored to work with a team of incredible people who in the face of this pandemic have shown up day after day to sweat in the tropical heat in PPE suits, adapted to new levels of cleaning and sanitation, and while everyone was staying home, they remained on the frontlines. For the marginalized mothers who desperately needed a safe place to deliver their babies in this pandemic our team is here. For the mother who literally cannot get to the hospital due to lockdowns, our team is here. For the blind mother and father whose lives are already complex and now doubly difficult, our team is here. Health and Hope in action has never been more apparent. Saving lives has never been more critical. With your prayers and your partnership Glory Reborn is reaching mothers and babies in need throughout this pandemic.
If you are in the El Paso, Texas area don’t forget to stop by Great American Steakburger for a slice of Mission Pie as proceeds for October go to Glory Reborn! You may even grab a slice through curbside carry out. Thank you Great American Steakburger!