Training Updates
Thank you to all who are contributing to the training of our staff. As you may remember from the previous letter, we are required to assist our staff in keeping them up to date with local government and private trainings for our licensing and certifications each year. We have good news to share: We are now all CPR re-certified! We owe it all to your support. Two of our team members were able to attended the newborn screening seminar held in Manila last month and are keeping our newborn screening program up to date. We also now have two other team members who are now certified in breastfeeding assistance and two more that have gone through a course on maternal and newborn emergency care. We will still be sending a few more to the trainings in the last months of this year and are looking forward to staying educated and engaged in our community. Thank you for investing in our staff in this way. It helps us ensure quality care and health for our mommies and babies.
Staff Education:
Speaking of training our staff, did you know that three of Glory Reborn’s staff members are also students? They have been inspired to continue their education in a formal school program for psychology, theology, and medicine respectively. We are very much excited for them as they continue to expand their knowledge and are excited for how their future degrees will enhance the programs and services of Glory Reborn in the future. We congratulate them on finishing up strong for their first semester. Great work girls, we are so proud of each of you! Would you join with us in prayer and encouragement as we stand alongside of these three young women and cheer them on as they reach their dreams? We are truly blessed with staff who are so motivated and eager to expand their own knowledge to offer higher quality care to our patients not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually.
…from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love -Ephesians 4:16