Hilary Overton
Glory Reborn Founder
Mon Sep 30 2024

This is still my Father's world

As part of our 21st Anniversary at Glory Reborn our team corporately spent two weeks dedicating time for fasting and praying and the Lord is always faithful to speak to us, draw near to us and show us His heart when we are willing to make room and time for Him.

Cebu Street Life

When I came to Cebu over two decades ago, I saw poverty face to face. I witnessed the injustice and cruelty of disparity, particularly the injustices faced by children. I saw the grips of death in the very place where life was supposed to abound. Yet, I experienced the nearness of Jesus, the Helper in times of trouble, the God who sends rain on both the just and unjust. Something within my once shy and quiet spirit came alive. Shortly after, Glory Reborn was born to create a safe and ministering space for God’s glory to be re-born, to lose the chains of injustice and to ensure Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies and Hopeful Hearts to the community around us.

For over two decades, we have witnessed the faithful and miraculous hand of the Lord. We have seen generations of lives birthed and hearts healed as Jesus enters their families. In the midst of the poverty and dirt around us, we have encountered Jesus and the abundant life He brings.

Yet, there are days when the harsh injustices of this world steal, kill, and destroy, leading me to ask if anyone sees.

Cebu Street Life 2

I remember a sidewalk dweller who had many children and was pregnant again. Early one morning, she went into labor on the street, without monitoring, comfort measures, or the anticipation of joy. No one was waiting with balloons or gift baskets; no one to share in the joy of new life. On a mat made from a cardboard box along a busy road, she delivered her baby. Without a cry, this precious life was made alive only in Heaven.

Mommy, now experiencing complications from the sidewalk delivery, was taken to a nearby hospital but was soon (the same day) transported back to the sidewalk. There, on the same cardboard where her baby met Heaven, she drew her final earthly breath. I can only imagine that Jesus was there, embracing her newborn as she ran from the dirty sidewalk into His loving arms.

Zechariah 7:9 reminds us: "Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.”

My heart was ripped, my spirit roaring, taking me back to two decades earlier when my passion for God’s glory to be re-born was ignited by the darkness overshadowing life. Where was the Good Samaritan in this mother and baby’s journey? Oh Lord, may we never lose our ability to see the injustices around us. (Read full story here)

This is what My Father’s World lyrics remind us: “This is my Father's world: O let me ne'er forget That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet.”

You might be asking yourself, like I did, where was I? How could I have helped? With utmost respect, I present to you the harsh health policies and grave inequalities of care. Regulations prohibit Glory Reborn from extending care to mothers with high numbers of pregnancies, age limits, and other factors. We can assume that she did not have access to health insurance, further hindering her ability to seek care.

Cebu Street Life 3

The Philippines experiences approximately 11 maternal deaths per day, with 40% of these deaths occurring among women from the poorest socioeconomic sector, highlighting significant disparities in access to healthcare (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2021; UNFPA).

The most important mission remains: did she know Jesus? Had she heard the hope of the Gospel? There is much work to be done, both in the physical realm and in the hearts of individuals, and we are grateful for your partnership in this journey. There is more ahead for all of us; let every heart know the hope of Jesus! With all our hearts and skills, we long for the day that Glory Reborn can become a full ministry hospital to save the lives of mothers and babies and ensure every heart knows Jesus. Would you believe with us for this future?

As Galatians 6:9 reminds us, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Amidst the heartache some mothers face being overlooked during and after childbirth, there is hope. Glory Reborn is committed to journeying with families of all socioeconomic levels to provide complete, quality, holistic care for mothers, babies and families. We believe and have witnessed that lives can be transformed and watched this transformation first hand with an incredibly inspiring mother named Judith. Once living on a cardboard box in the streets and now inspiring other mothers in Glory Reborn’s program. With years of support and care, she has transformed her life and given her children a brighter future. We invite you to follow her inspiring journey, which will be featured in regular updates and a heartfelt video launching on November 26th.

Giving Tuesday 2024