Being that we are a medical non-profit organization with many nurse and midwife employees we are required to continue our education through specific programs offered by the Philippine government (Department of Health). Our staff regularly attend updates related to maternal and newborn health as well as courses on breastfeeding support. We are thankful for the opportunities for our staff to continue learning and enhancing their skills and willingly comply with the required checklist of courses for our medical staff to attend each year. While continued education courses are certainly a part of being in the medical field there are specific education programs that staff who work pregnant women and newborns are required to attend in order for the center to maintain their licensing from the government. The Philippines has not yet met their maternal and newborn millennium development goals, though we have had an extra 15 years to meet them. Thus we fully support and understand the mandatory need for continued education. The challenge that we encounter as a charity clinic is the cost of the trainings. One training typically costs about the whole of a month’s salary for just one of our staff members to attend. As we look at the trainings ahead would you kindly consider assisting us in complying with the required continued education courses for our nurses and midwives?
he challenge that we encounter as a charity clinic is the
cost of the trainings.
BMoNC – This course will give updates in prenatal, labor and delivery care.
Attendees: 2 midwives Cost: $605
LMET – This course is to enhance breastfeeding support and skills for staff to ensure mothers leave the clinic able to breastfeed successfully for the next six months ahead. Being that 54% of deaths in children under 5 years old are accredited to malnutrition, getting a good foundation in breastfeeding skills and techniques is a critical part of saving young lives.
Attendees: 1 nurse & 1 midwife Cost: $360
Newborn Screening – Currently Glory Reborn offers the 5 basic newborn screening test to all it’s newborns. There are updates in adding a total of 9 newborn screening tests and packages that our future newborns can benefit from. Newborn screening is an essential part of detecting metabolic disorders so intervention, treatment and management can be done in a timely matter to decrease risks of life long complications.
Attendees: 1 nurse & 1 midwife Cost: $710
ICD Coding – This course is necessary for the local insurance claims that we use as well as the national data for medical conditions.
Attendees: 1 general manager Cost: $235
CPR – This is a yearly requirement for all our staff which includes our support staff as well. Attendees: All Staff Cost: $360