Hilary Overton
Glory Reborn Founder
Sat Jun 29 2024

"I am God's Masterpiece!"

Bible Day Camp: “I Am A Masterpiece!”

This past month we had an amazing time sharing the hope of Jesus in four communities:

Badjao Bible Day Camp

Dumpsite Bible Day Camp

Glory Reborn Babies Bible Day Camp

Local Mall During Wellness Fest

As our team in various sites shared with over 100 kiddos that they are “A Masterpiece: An Important Piece of God’s Plan” the love and hope of the Gospel was sown into many little hearts.

I was so grateful for our incredible team, from all departments sharing Jesus in a such beautiful way. I think we will be singing the “Masterpiece Song” for many months to come :)

Personally, it was incredibly meaningful for me to sing, dance, and share the message of Jesus with children who were prayed for even before they were born at Glory Reborn.

Seeing them blessed at birth and now, as 6 to 12-year-olds participating in Bible Day Camp at Glory Reborn, receiving the love and hope of Jesus and being prayed over again, truly exemplified the heart of Glory Reborn.

It was such an honor to witness glory re-born from generation to generation. God is so good! He has promised us that we would see the fruits of our labor and the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and we most certainly are just treasuring and in awe of the faithful love, provision and life of Jesus alive in these families.

Glory Reborn Kids Bible Day Camp

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

Women’s Wellness Fest & Training

Wellness Festival with Dr. Neth Penetrante

Our incredible team put together and hosted a Women’s Wellness Fest, our first ever in Cebu and they did such a beautiful event that may become an annual activity of Glory Reborn.

At Women’s Wellness Fest, women from all around the Cebu community explored different aspects of wellness: physical, psychological, intellectual, social, occupational, and spiritual; and learned practical strategies to prioritize it.

We were honored to welcome distinguished speakers, local partners and women from all socioeconomic backgrounds as well as cancer survivors and support group members.

It was truly wonderful to learn together, grow together, and worship together in the mall, strengthening and encouraging one another.

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

The four day event also included mental wellness sessions for Glory Reborn team and local HIV care providers as we were strengthened, encouraged and equipped by Dr. Neth in topics such as compassion fatigue, and personal wellness goals.

I am so grateful for a holistic model of wellness that is centered on the Word of God, Jesus our Savior and the Holy Spirit our great counselor.

Women's Wellness Fest 2024

Maternal Mental Wellness Support Group Graduation

Congratulations to our third batch of Maternal Mental Wellness Graduates!

We are so proud of these amazing mommies who have worked together with Glory Reborn’s wellness team in their journey of holistic wholeness. Empowered women empower women and these mommies are equipped to sow gentleness and emotional wellness into their own families and inspire other women around them.

The Maternal Mental Wellness Support Group is such a beautiful and necessary part of the complete, quality, holistic care that Glory Reborn offers and what an incredible team faithfully sowing into minds, hearts and lives.

Maternal Wellness Support Group Graduates

Maternal Wellness Support Group Graduate

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

Cervical Cancer Awareness Day & Pastor’s Medical Day

Glory Reborn’s team continues to reach the communities around us with health and hope through medical care days. Glory Reborn values empowering women with knowledge and access to care.

In celebration of cervical cancer awareness month we were delighted to offer health education and screening to women in our local community.

Pastor's Day

In addition, we were honored to partner with Cielo Vista Church to provide laboratory checkups, cervical cancer screening, ultrasounds and checkups to pastor’s and their wives as they concluded their local Pastor’s Conference. Such a true testimony of health, hope and the global church sowing into lives.

Medical Missions

What a tremendous month it has been witnessing where medicine meets missions.

June Photos Header

June Photo1

Helping Babies Breathe

Bible Day Camp Kids

Glorious Design Cards

You can still design your own Glorious Card to encourage our mothers!


Celebration of Health and Hope

Bible Day Camp Kids

Bible Verse

"He keeps his covenant of loyal love with those who love him and observe his commandments for a thousand generations." Deuteronomy 7:9